Output from knitr::kable is less full featured compared to summary tables produced with gt. For example, kable summary tables do not include indentation, footnotes, or spanning header rows.

Line breaks (\n) are removed from column headers and table cells.

as_kable(x, ..., include = everything(), return_calls = FALSE)



Object created by a function from the gtsummary package (e.g. tbl_summary or tbl_regression)


Additional arguments passed to knitr::kable


Commands to include in output. Input may be a vector of quoted or unquoted names. tidyselect and gtsummary select helper functions are also accepted. Default is everything().


Logical. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the calls are returned as a list of expressions.


A knitr_kable object


Tip: To better distinguish variable labels and level labels when indenting is not supported, try bold_labels() or italicize_levels().

See also

Other gtsummary output types: as_flex_table(), as_gt(), as_hux_table(), as_kable_extra(), as_tibble.gtsummary()


Daniel D. Sjoberg


# \donttest{
trial %>%
  tbl_summary(by = trt) %>%
  bold_labels() %>%
#> |**Characteristic**         | **Drug A**, N = 98 | **Drug B**, N = 102 |
#> |:--------------------------|:------------------:|:-------------------:|
#> |__Age__                    |    46 (37, 59)     |     48 (39, 56)     |
#> |Unknown                    |         7          |          4          |
#> |__Marker Level (ng/mL)__   | 0.84 (0.24, 1.57)  |  0.52 (0.19, 1.20)  |
#> |Unknown                    |         6          |          4          |
#> |__T Stage__                |                    |                     |
#> |T1                         |      28 (29%)      |      25 (25%)       |
#> |T2                         |      25 (26%)      |      29 (28%)       |
#> |T3                         |      22 (22%)      |      21 (21%)       |
#> |T4                         |      23 (23%)      |      27 (26%)       |
#> |__Grade__                  |                    |                     |
#> |I                          |      35 (36%)      |      33 (32%)       |
#> |II                         |      32 (33%)      |      36 (35%)       |
#> |III                        |      31 (32%)      |      33 (32%)       |
#> |__Tumor Response__         |      28 (29%)      |      33 (34%)       |
#> |Unknown                    |         3          |          4          |
#> |__Patient Died__           |      52 (53%)      |      60 (59%)       |
#> |__Months to Death/Censor__ | 23.5 (17.4, 24.0)  |  21.2 (14.6, 24.0)  |
# }