class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Writing R Packages ## with Rstudio, {usethis}, and {roxygen2} ### Daniel D. Sjoberg
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics ### March 28, 2019 --- class: center, middle <img src="images/RStudio-Logo-Flat.png" width = "75%"> .pull-left[.center[ <img src="images/usethis logo.png"> ]] .pull-right[.center[ <img src="images/roxygen2 logo 3.png" width = "52%"> ]] --- background-image: url(images/hex_stickers_blurred3.png) background-size: contain # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - _**R Package Structure**_ - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Package Structure .xlarge[.pull-left[ An R package needs 3 components 1. DESCRIPTION file</br></br> 2. NAMESPACE file</br></br> 3. R code folder ]] .pull-right[ <img src="images/basic package structure.PNG"> ] --- # Package Structure .xlarge[.pull-left[ An R package needs 3 components 1. _**DESCRIPTION file**_</br></br> 2. NAMESPACE file</br></br> 3. R code folder ]] .pull-right[ ``` Package: mypackage Title: What The Package Does (one line) Version: 0.1 Authors@R: person( "First", "Last", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")) Description: What the package does (one paragraph) Depends: R (>= 3.5) Imports: dplyr License: What license is it under? LazyData: true ``` * store metadata about the package * list dependencies * specify version number of package ] --- # Package Structure .xlarge[.pull-left[ An R package needs 3 components 1. DESCRIPTION file</br></br> 2. _**NAMESPACE file**_</br></br> 3. R code folder ]] .pull-right[ ```r # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand export(tbl_regression) export(tbl_summary) export(tbl_uvregression) importFrom(glue,glue) importFrom(knitr,knit_print) importFrom(magrittr,"%>%") ``` * {roxygen2} will take care of this for you! * lists functions that will be exported by your package * lists functions imported from other packages ] --- # Package Structure .xlarge[.pull-left[ An R package needs 3 components 1. DESCRIPTION file</br></br> 2. NAMESPACE file</br></br> 3. _**R code folder**_ ]] .pull-right[ * R folder contains R code for each function in your package - typically, one code file for each exported function (although not required) - e.g. `myfirstfunction.R` * also contains code for helper or utility functions - these functions are not exported, that is, not available to users of the package - utility function files begin with utils- prefix - e.g. `utils-myfirstfunction.R` ] --- # Package Structure .xlarge[.pull-left[ An R package needs 3 components 1. DESCRIPTION file</br></br> 2. NAMESPACE file</br></br> 3. R code folder ]] .large[.pull-right[ The {usethis} package has functions that create the package structure for you After any function in {usethis} is run, it prints additional information into the console. READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! - lists files created - lists files modified - lists user instructions {usethis} makes package development a breeze ]] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - _**Getting Started**_ - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Getting Started .pull-left[ A few functions to get you started with a new package - `usethis::create_package()` - `usethis::use_package_doc()` - `usethis::use_git()` - `usethis::use_github()` ] --- # Getting Started .pull-left[ A few functions to get you started with a new package - _**`usethis::create_package()`**_ - `usethis::use_package_doc()` - `usethis::use_git()` - `usethis::use_github()` ] .pull-right[ ``` > usethis::create_package("~/myPackage") ✔ Setting active project to '~/myPackage' ✔ Creating 'R/' ✔ Creating 'man/' ✔ Writing 'DESCRIPTION' ✔ Writing 'NAMESPACE' ✔ Writing 'myPackage.Rproj' ✔ Adding '.Rproj.user' to '.gitignore' ✔ Adding '^myPackage\\.Rproj$', '^\\.Rproj\\.user$' to '.Rbuildignore' ✔ Opening new project 'myPackage' in RStudio ``` * Create package folder and a skeleton of the folder structure ] --- # Getting Started .pull-left[ A few functions to get you started with a new package - `usethis::create_package()` - _**`usethis::use_package_doc()`**_ - `usethis::use_git()` - `usethis::use_github()` ] .pull-right[ ``` > usethis::use_package_doc() ✔ Writing 'R/myPackage-package.R' ``` 'R/myPackage-package.R' contents ``` #' @keywords internal "_PACKAGE" ``` * writes a basic documentation file for you package * we will add more to this later ] --- # Getting Started .pull-left[ A few functions to get you started with a new package - `usethis::create_package()` - `usethis::use_package_doc()` - _**`usethis::use_git()`**_ - `usethis::use_github()` ] .pull-right[ ``` > usethis::use_git() ✔ Initialising Git repo ✔ Adding '.Rhistory', '.RData' to '.gitignore' OK to make an initial commit of 6 files? 1: Negative 2: Not now 3: Yeah Selection: 3 ✔ Adding files and committing ``` * create a git repository * commit existing files to the repo ] --- # Getting Started .pull-left[ A few functions to get you started with a new package - `usethis::create_package()` - `usethis::use_package_doc()` - `usethis::use_git()` - _**`usethis::use_github()`**_ ] .pull-right[ ``` > usethis::use_github() ● Check title and description Name: myPackage Description: What the Package Does (One Line) Are title and description ok? 1: No 2: Nope 3: Yeah Selection: 3 ✔ Creating GitHub repository ✔ Adding GitHub remote ✔ Adding GitHub links to DESCRIPTION ✔ Setting URL field in DESCRIPTION to '' ✔ Setting BugReports field in DESCRIPTION to '' ✔ Pushing to GitHub and setting remote tracking branch ``` ] --- # Getting Started .pull-left[ A few functions to get you started with a new package - `usethis::create_package()` - `usethis::use_package_doc()` - `usethis::use_git()` - _**`usethis::use_github()`**_ ] .pull-right[ * THIS ONLY WORKS IF YOU'VE PREVIOUSLY CONFIGURED THE `use_github()` FUNCTION * recommend you setup Rstudio to play nicely with GitHub. Read *Happy Git and GitHub for the useR* for details ( * you can create your GitHub repo manually and add the package contents if you haven't yet configured RStudio and GitHub - remember to update the url and bug reports url in the DESCRIPTION file to match the GitHub repo location ] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - _**Adding Functions**_ - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Adding Functions `usethis::use_r()` - creates a new code file for you write your function - places file correctly in the `R` folder - the new file is entirely blank ``` > usethis::use_r("my_mean") ● Modify 'R/my_mean.R' ``` --- # Adding Functions Let's write our first function ```r my_mean <- function(x) { mean(na.omit(x)) } ``` -- For EVERY non-base R function you need to either *import* the function, or use `::` to reference the function ```r my_mean <- function(x) { mean(stats::na.omit(x)) } ``` We will now use {roxygen2} comments in our code to document our new function (aka write the help file)! --- # Adding Functions: Documentation * R function help files (\*.Rd) are saved in the *man* folder * the *man* folder already exists courtesy of `usethis::create_package()` * R processes the \*.Rd files to create plain text, PDF, and HTML versions of the help files * the code in \*.Rd files looks somewhat like LaTeX: it's verbose and cumbersome to write * we will automate the creation of these files with {roxygen2} comments * by automating, we link the function code to the documentation * this helps keep the documentation up to date ``` > usethis::use_roxygen_md() ✔ Setting Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION to 'list(markdown = TRUE)' ✔ Setting RoxygenNote field in DESCRIPTION to '6.1.1' ● Run `devtools::document()` ``` --- # Adding Functions: Documentation * roxygen comments appear above a function * roxygen comment lines always begins with `#'` * two common roxygen tags - `@param` used to document a function argument - `@export` tells roxygen to export the function when the package is built ```r #' The first line is the title #' #' The second section is a longer description of the function. #' This can go on for multiple lines. #' #' @param x numeric vector #' @export my_mean <- function(x) { mean(stats::na.omit(x)) } ``` --- # Adding Functions: Documentation * other notable roxygen tags - `@seealso` list related references (typically used to reference related functions) - `@family` similar to `@seealso`, but creates a list of "see also" functions that belong to the same family - `@examples` add examples to function help file - `@author` list author(s) of the function - `@return` specify the returned object * link to other functions in help file - function in the same package `\code{\link{my_mean}}` - function in another package `\code{\link[base]{mean}}` * additional resources - *Rd* vignette in {roxygen2} package - Blog post --- # Adding Functions: Documentation .pull-left[ ```r #' The first line is the title #' #' The second section is a longer #' description of the function. #' This can go on for multiple lines. #' #' @param x numeric vector #' @export #' @seealso \code{\link[base]{mean}} #' @author Daniel D. Sjoberg #' @examples #' my_mean(1:5) my_mean <- function(x) { mean(stats::na.omit(x)) } ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/my_mean help.PNG"> ] --- # Adding Functions: Rstudio Build Tab <img src="images/build tab.PNG"> **Document** each time you update roxygen comments --- # Adding Functions .pull-left[ * new function calculates mean of every column in a data frame * use the `map()` function in the {purrr} package * use `::` to refer to the function: `purrr::map()` * document that our package now depends on {purrr} * `usethis::use_package("purrr")` ``` > usethis::use_package("purrr") ✔ Setting active project to '~/myPackage' ✔ Adding 'purrr' to Imports field in DESCRIPTION ● Refer to functions with `purrr::fun()` ``` ] .pull-right[ `DESCRIPTION` (truncated) ``` Imports: purrr ``` <hr> ```r df_mean <- function(data) { purrr::map(data, my_mean) } ``` ``` > df_mean(mtcars) $mpg [1] 20.09062 $cyl [1] 6.1875 $disp [1] 230.7219 ``` ] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - _**Build your Package**_ - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Build your Package: Rstudio Build Tab <img src="images/build tab.PNG"> * **Document** each time you update roxygen comments * **Install and Restart** each time you update R code * **Check** --- # Build your Package What is checked? -- So much! Here's a very abbreviated list .pull-left[ * package structure - hidden files/folders - portable file names - executable files - package subdirectories - left-over files * DESCRIPTION/NAMESPACE file - package dependencies - files exist - NAMESPACE parses properly ] .pull-right[ * R code - non-ASCII characters - syntax errors - dependencies in R code - S3 generic/method consistency * documentation - Rd/help files - Rd file metadata - examples - undocumented function arguments ] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - _**Unit Tests**_ - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Unit Tests * vital part of package development * helps ensure future updates don't break functioning code * easily implemented with the {testthat} package * all unit tests are run each time the package is checked -- .pull-left[ ``` > usethis::use_testthat() ✔ Setting active project to '~/myPackage' ✔ Adding 'testthat' to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION ✔ Creating 'tests/testthat/' ✔ Writing 'tests/testthat.R' > usethis::use_test("df_mean") ✔ Writing 'tests/testthat/test-df_mean.R' ● Modify 'tests/testthat/test-df_mean.R' ``` ] .pull-right[ **tests/testthat/test-df_mean.R** ``` context("test-df_mean") test_that("multiplication works", { expect_equal(2 * 2, 4) }) ``` ] --- # Unit Tests There are many types of checks that can be included .pull-left[ * `expect_lte() ` * `expect_gte()` * `expect_equal() ` * `expect_setequal() ` * `expect_equivalent() ` * `expect_identical() ` ] .pull-right[ * `expect_length()` * `expect_null()` * `expect_error() ` * `expect_warning()` * `expect_true()` ] Each test should 1. have an informative name 1. cover a single unit of functionality The idea is that when a test fails, you’ll know what’s wrong and where in your code to look for the problem. Hadley Wickham's book on writing R packages provides a thorough review on writing unit tests. --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - _**Advanced Setup**_ ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - _**software license**_ - `usethis::use_news_md()` - `usethis::use_spell_check()` - continuous integration - `usethis::use_coverage()` ] .pull-right[ Specify the license you want associated with your package. - `usethis::use_mit_license()` - `usethis::use_gpl3_license()` - `usethis::use_lgpl_license()` - `usethis::use_apl2_license()` - `usethis::use_cc0_license()` ``` > usethis::use_mit_license("Daniel D. Sjoberg") ✔ Setting License field in DESCRIPTION to 'MIT + file LICENSE' ✔ Writing '' ✔ Adding '^LICENSE\\.md$' to '.Rbuildignore' ✔ Writing 'LICENSE' ``` ] --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - software license - _**`usethis::use_news_md()`**_ - `usethis::use_spell_check()` - continuous integration - `usethis::use_coverage()` ] .pull-right[ - creates a basic `` in the root directory - keep track of updates and versions - communicate changes to API to users (also future you) ``` > usethis::use_news_md() ✔ Writing '' ● Modify '' ``` ] --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - software license - `usethis::use_news_md()` - _**`usethis::use_spell_check()`**_ - continuous integration - `usethis::use_coverage()` ] .pull-right[ - adds a unit test to automatically run a spell check on documentation and vignettes - adds a WORDLIST file to the package, which is a dictionary of white-listed words - runs when the package checks are run - suggest including `error = TRUE` option so spelling errors fail package checks ``` > usethis::use_spell_check(error = TRUE) Updated ~/myPackage/tests/spelling.R ● Run `devtools::check()` to trigger spell check ``` ] --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - software license - `usethis::use_news_md()` - `usethis::use_spell_check()` - _**continuous integration**_ - `usethis::use_coverage()` ] .pull-right[ - get cool badges - others more confident in your package - `usethis::use_travis()` tests build on Linux: - `usethis::use_appveyor()` tests build on Windows: - tests are triggered each time package is pushed to GitHub - blog post about using CI - requires public GitHub repo ] <img src="images/travis badge.svg" width = "21%"> <img src="images/appveyor badge.svg" width = "24.7%"> --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - software license - `usethis::use_news_md()` - `usethis::use_spell_check()` - _**continuous integration**_ - `usethis::use_coverage()` ] .pull-right[ Be sure to follow all directions! ``` > usethis::use_travis() ✔ Writing '.travis.yml' ✔ Adding '^\\.travis\\.yml$' to '.Rbuildignore' ● Turn on travis for your repo at ● Add a Travis build status badge by adding the following line to your README: Copying code to clipboard: [![Travis build status](]( > usethis::use_appveyor() ✔ Writing 'appveyor.yml' ✔ Adding '^appveyor\\.yml$' to '.Rbuildignore' ● Turn on AppVeyor for this repo at ● Add a AppVeyor build status badge by adding the following line to your README: Copying code to clipboard: [![AppVeyor build status](]( ``` ] --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - software license - `usethis::use_news_md()` - `usethis::use_spell_check()` - continuous integration - _**`usethis::use_coverage()`**_ ] .pull-right[ - more cool badges - adds test coverage reports to a package that is already using Travis CI - reports the proportion of code covered by unit tests - provides reports of coverage of every file, line-by-line - <img src="images/codecov badge.svg" width = "50%"> ] <img src="images/codecov_figure_3.png" width = "25%"> --- # Advanced Setup .pull-left[ - software license - `usethis::use_news_md()` - `usethis::use_spell_check()` - continuous integration - _**`usethis::use_coverage()`**_ ] .pull-right[ {usethis} prints directions into the sure to follow them! ``` > usethis::use_coverage() ✔ Adding 'covr' to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION ✔ Writing 'codecov.yml' ✔ Adding '^codecov\\.yml$' to '.Rbuildignore' ● Add a Coverage status badge by adding the following line to your README: Copying code to clipboard: \[\!\[Coverage status\](\]( ● Add to '.travis.yml': Copying code to clipboard: after_success: \- Rscript -e 'covr::codecov()' ``` ] <img src="images/codecov figure 2.png" width = "25%"> --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - _**Advanced Documentation**_ - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Advanced Documentation: README .pull-left[ - GitHub renders the README file and is often the first thing users will see about your package - rather than use a basic, use an R markdown README.rmd - `usethis::use_readme_rmd()` ``` > usethis::use_readme_rmd() ✔ Writing 'README.Rmd' ✔ Adding '^README\\.Rmd$' to '.Rbuildignore' ● Modify 'README.Rmd' ✔ Writing '.git/hooks/pre-commit' ``` ] .pull-right[ - update and knit README.rmd, and it'll create - now has this header: `<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->` - be sure to knit README.rmd after you modify the file OR update functions highlighted in the README file ] --- # Advanced Documentation: Vignettes .pull-left[ - a vignette is a long-form guide to your package - describes the problem your package is designed to solve, then shows the reader how to solve it ``` > usethis::use_vignette("my first vignette") #> ✔ Adding 'knitr' to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION #> ✔ Setting VignetteBuilder field in #> DESCRIPTION to 'knitr' #> ✔ Adding 'rmarkdown' to Suggests field #> in DESCRIPTION #> ✔ Creating 'vignettes/' #> ✔ Adding '*.html', '*.R' to 'vignettes/.gitignore' #> ✔ Adding 'inst/doc' to '.gitignore' #> ✔ Creating 'vignettes/my-first-vignette.Rmd' #> ● Modify 'vignettes/my-first-vignette.Rmd' ``` ] -- .pull-right[ - a vignette is an R markdown document with HTML output - be sure to change the title in BOTH `title:` and `VignetteIndexEntry{}` in the vignette yaml ``` title: "Vignette Title" author: "Vignette Author" date: "2019-04-01" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} ``` - R packages, Vignettes Chapter: ] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - _**Include Datasets**_ - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Include Datasets .pull-left[ - including datasets in an R package is easy with `use_data_raw()` and `use_data()` - we'll go over an example where we simulate a dataset and save it in the package ```r > usethis::use_data_raw() #> ✔ Creating 'data-raw/' #> ✔ Adding '^data-raw$' to '.Rbuildignore' #> Next: #> ● Add data creation scripts #> in 'data-raw/' #> ● Use `usethis::use_data()` to #> add data to package ``` ] -- .pull-right[ - simulate dataset, and `use_data()` will save it with the package - save this script is the `data-raw/` folder ```r set.seed(8976) # remeber to set your seed! my_data <- tibble::tibble( x = runif(100), y = runif(100) ) usethis::use_data(my_data, overwrite = TRUE) #> ✔ Creating 'data/' #> ✔ Saving 'my_data' to 'data/my_data.rda' ``` ] --- # Include Datasets .pull-left[ - document the dataset - use {roxygen2} comments for documentation - add a file to the R folder to begin documenting - I call mine `data.R` ``` > usethis::use_r("data") ● Modify 'R/data.R' ``` ] -- .pull-right[ `R/data.R` ``` #' My simulated data #' #' A simulated dataset that I am saving in my package. #' #' @format A data frame with 100 rows #' \describe{ #' \item{x}{Random Uniform Variable} #' \item{y}{Random Uniform Variable} #' } "my_data" ``` - after you write the {roxygen2} comments, document the package - the help file will be accessible with `?my_data` after the package has been loaded ] --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - _**Other Tips**_ - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Other Tips - {roxygen2} tags `@import` and `@importFrom` - `use_pipe()` to import and export {magrittr} pipe operator - helper functions for tidy development --- # Other Tips: Import - there are a few functions from the tidyverse we use frequently - referring to them with `::` quickly becomes cumbersome - we can import functions and even entire packages to avoid the `::` notation - {roxygen2} tags `@import` and `@importFrom` --- # Other Tips: Import .pull-left[ - remember that boring package-level documentation file we made with `use_package_doc()`? let's use this file to import commonly used functions ``` #' @import dplyr #' @import purrr #' @importFrom tidyr nest unnest spread gather complete #' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble #' @importFrom rlang .data %||% set_names sym expr enexpr quo enquo parse_expr #' @importFrom glue glue #' @keywords internal "_PACKAGE" # allowing for the use of the dot when piping utils::globalVariables(".") ``` ] .pull-right[ - when adding entire package imports, be sure to run the package checks. you may experience warnings from conflicting function names - this is common with tidyverse packages as many of them contain the same functions - `@import` and `@importFrom` can be placed in any R code file - can import same function in multiple files. {roxygen2} will sort out duplicates when the package is documented - use the package-level documentation file for imports that apply to all functions in your package ] ??? mention that generally it's best practice to use `::` notation. but readability of your code is more important and if importing functions improves readability then do it. also discuss the global variables issue and why the last line is included --- # Other Tips: the pipe .pull-left[ - the {magrittr} pipe operator is so useful, you may want to both import and export it to make it available to users of your package ``` > usethis::use_pipe() ✔ Adding 'magrittr' to Imports field in DESCRIPTION ✔ Writing 'R/utils-pipe.R' ● Run `devtools::document()` ``` ] .pull-right[ `R/utils-pipe.R` ``` #' Pipe operator #' #' See \code{magrittr::\link[magrittr]{\%>\%}} #' for details. #' #' @name %>% #' @rdname pipe #' @keywords internal #' @export #' @importFrom magrittr %>% #' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs NULL ``` ] --- # Other Tips: tidy helpers the {usethis} package contains helper functions to develop tidy packages these are my favorites - `use_tidy_description()` - puts fields in standard order and alphabetizes dependencies in DESCRIPTION file - `use_tidy_versions(overwrite = FALSE)` - pins all dependencies to require at least the currently installed version - helps ensure your package will work on all systems - `use_tidy_style(strict = TRUE)` - uses the {styler} package to style all code according to the tidyverse style guide - keeps your code easy to read, looking good, and collaborative --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - _**Non-Standard Evaluation**_ - Collaborate with GitHub - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Non-Standard Evaluation - tidyverse code is quick to write, but as a result it is ambiguous - these equivalent `mutate` statements return different results - the code in your package must be precise .pull-left[ ```r y = 10 tibble( x = 1:4 ) %>% * mutate( * xy = x + y * ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 x 2 ## x xy ## <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 11 ## 2 2 12 ## 3 3 13 ## 4 4 14 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r tibble( y = 4:1, x = 1:4 ) %>% * mutate( * xy = x + y * ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 x 3 ## y x xy ## <int> <int> <int> ## 1 4 1 5 ## 2 3 2 5 ## 3 2 3 5 ## 4 1 4 5 ``` ] --- # Non-Standard Evaluation - how to make the code precise? - import the `.data` function from {rlang} - use `.data$<varname>` EVERY time you reference a column within a `mutate` statement - if you don't use `.data`, the package check will return a warning .pull-left[ ```r y = 10 tibble( x = 1:4 ) %>% * mutate( * xy = .data$x + y * ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 x 2 ## x xy ## <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 11 ## 2 2 12 ## 3 3 13 ## 4 4 14 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r tibble( y = 4:1, x = 1:4 ) %>% * mutate( * xy = .data$x + .data$y * ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 x 3 ## y x xy ## <int> <int> <int> ## 1 4 1 5 ## 2 3 2 5 ## 3 2 3 5 ## 4 1 4 5 ``` ] --- # Non-Standard Evaluation - other tidyverse functions take bare column names as inputs - e.g. `mtcars %>% select(mpg, hp)` - the reference to the `mpg` and `hp` columns is not standard, and the package check will return warnings if this code is found - many tidyverse functions will allow you to simply replace the bare references with quoted strings .pull-left[ ```r mtcars %>% select(mpg, hp) mtcars %>% pull(mpg) mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% nest(mpg, hp) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r mtcars %>% select(c("mpg", "hp")) mtcars %>% pull("mpg") mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% nest(c("mpg", "hp")) ``` ] ??? group_by is NOT one of these functions! --- # Non-Standard Evaluation - for functions that do not allow you to simply add a string, use `!!` and `rlang::sym()` - when you have multiple variables, use `!!!` and `rlang::syms()` instead of `!!` and `rlang::sym()` .pull-left[ ```r mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) mtcars %>% group_by(cyl, am) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r mtcars %>% group_by(!!sym("cyl")) mtcars %>% group_by(.data$cyl) by_vars <- c("cyl", "am") mtcars %>% group_by(!!!syms(by_vars)) mtcars %>% group_by(.data$cyl, .data$am) ``` ] --- # Non-Standard Evaluation - entire expressions can be stored as string and evaluated - this is particularly powerful when combined with the {glue} package .pull-left[ ```r mtcars %>% filter(cyl == 4) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r mtcars %>% filter(!!parse_expr("cyl == 4")) mtcars %>% filter(.data$cyl == 4) ``` ] - can also create functions with NSE inputs - briefly, you replace `sym()` with `enquo()`, more on that in the additional reading - additional resources - *Programming with dplyr* - *Tidy evaluation, most common actions* - this resource is excellent! --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - _**Collaborate with GitHub**_ - Create Package Website ] ] --- # Collaborate with GitHub - create a development branch (e.g. *dev*) and do 100% of your initial package building directly on this branch - once package is standing on its own legs (not necessarily done), make all updates via forks or feature branches - protect your *master* and *dev* branches - from the GitHub repo, select *Settings*, select *Branches*, and add rules for each branch - for the *dev* and *master* branches, I recommend - "Require pull request reviews before merging" - "Require status checks to pass before merging" - "Include administrators" --- class: inverse # Outline .xlarge[ .pull-left[ - R Package Structure - Getting Started - Adding Functions - Build your Package - Unit Tests - Advanced Setup ] .pull-right[ - Advanced Documentation - Include Datasets - Other Tips - Non-Standard Evaluation - Collaborate with GitHub - _**Create Package Website**_ ] ] --- # Create Package Website - lastly, it's easy to create a website for your package - easier for a user to navigate, find functions, and - from the GitHub repo, select *Settings*, scroll down to *GitHub Pages*, from the *Source* menu select *master branch/docs folder* - the location of the published site is listed under *GitHub Pages* - run `pkgdown::build_site()` - done! can take a few minutes to be available online - more details at --- # Resources .pull-left[ - {roxygen2} - *Rd* vignette in {roxygen2} package - Broman Blog - RStudio Blog - continuous integration - Silge Blog - *R Packages*, by Hadley Wickham - touches on most of the topics covered here (package structures, unit tests, documentation) - does not include {usethis} setup - - Git and GitHub - ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/R Packages cover.png" width="80%"> ] --- class: center, middle background-image: url(images/hex_stickers_blurred3.png) background-size: contain # Thank you <img src = "images/slide_show_icon.png" width="2.4%" height="2.4%"> slides at <a href=""></a> <img src = "images/github_icon.png" width="2.4%" height="2.4%"> source code* at <a href=""></a> .footnote[.small[\* has the code for the package we built here]]