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Function is for advanced manipulation of gtsummary tables. It allow users to modify the .$table_body data frame included in each gtsummary object.

If a new column is added to the table, default printing instructions will then be added to .$table_styling. By default, columns are hidden. To show a column, add a column header with modify_header() or call modify_column_unhide().


modify_table_body(x, fun, ...)



A 'gtsummary' object


A function or formula. If a function, it is used as is. If a formula, e.g. fun = ~ .x |> arrange(variable), it is converted to a function. The argument passed to fun is x$table_body.


Additional arguments passed on to the function


A 'gtsummary' object


# Example 1 --------------------------------
# Add number of cases and controls to regression table
trial |>
   y = response,
   include = c(age, marker),
   method = glm,
   method.args = list(family = binomial),
   exponentiate = TRUE,
   hide_n = TRUE
 ) |>
 # adding number of non-events to table
   ~ .x %>%
     dplyr::mutate(N_nonevent = N_obs - N_event) |>
     dplyr::relocate(c(N_event, N_nonevent), .before = estimate)
 ) |>
 # assigning header labels
 modify_header(N_nonevent = "**Control N**", N_event = "**Case N**") |>
 modify_fmt_fun(c(N_event, N_nonevent) ~ style_number)
Characteristic Case N Control N OR1 95% CI1 p-value
Age 58 125 1.02 1.00, 1.04 0.10
Marker Level (ng/mL) 57 126 1.35 0.94, 1.93 0.10
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval