This function is meant to be run after `sm_regression` and will calculate bootstraped model estimates.

# S3 method for sm_regression
add_ci(x, n = 200, seed = NULL, ...)



`sm_regression` object


number of bootstrap models to run. Default is 200.


a single value, interpreted as an integer. See set.seed


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


sm_regression( data = mtcars, method = "lm", formula = mpg ~ am , weighting_var = "hp", lambda = 1, newdata = data.frame(hp = c(150, 200)) ) %>% add_ci(n = 50)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3 #> hp .model .model.boot #> <dbl> <list> <list> #> 1 150 <S3: lm> <list [50]> #> 2 200 <S3: lm> <list [50]>
# example plotting slope coefficient with confidence intervals
# NOT RUN { library(ggplot2) mtcars %>% # calculate locally-weighted regression models sm_regression( method = "lm", formula = mpg ~ am , weighting_var = "hp", newdata = data.frame(hp = seq(125, 175, by = 5)) ) %>% # add models from bootstrap resamples add_ci(n = 200, seed = 23948) %>% # calculating confidence interval for beta coefficient dplyr::mutate( # extracting central estimate of beta .coef = purrr::map_dbl( .model, ~ .x %>% coef() %>% purrr::pluck("am") ), # extracting each estimate of beta from bootstrapped models .coef.boot = purrr::map( .model.boot, ~purrr::map_dbl( .x, ~ .x %>% coef() %>% purrr::pluck("am") ) ), # calculating the SD of the beta distribution = purrr::map_dbl( .coef.boot, sd, na.rm = TRUE ), # calculating the confidence interval for beta coef .coef.ll = .coef - qnorm(0.975) *, .coef.ul = .coef + qnorm(0.975) *, ) %>% ggplot(aes(x = hp, y = .coef)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon( aes(ymin = .coef.ll, ymax = .coef.ul), alpha = 0.4 ) + labs( y = "Slope coefficient for 'am' when regressed on 'mpg'" ) # }