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Plot a cumulative incidence object created with tidycmprsk::cuminc() or a multi-state object created with survfit2(). Read more on multi-state models here.


  outcome = NULL,
  linetype_aes = FALSE,
  theme = theme_ggsurvfit_default(),



a 'survfit' object created with survfit2()


string indicating which outcome(s) to include in plot. Default is to include the first competing event.


logical indicating whether to add ggplot2::aes(linetype = strata) to the ggplot2::geom_step() call. When strata are present, the resulting figure will be a mix a various line types for each stratum.


a survfit theme. Default is theme_ggsurvfit_default()


arguments passed to ggplot2::geom_step(...), e.g. size = 2


a ggplot2 figure


Why do we not use cmprsk::cuminc()?

The implementation of cmprsk::cuminc() does not provide the data required to construct the risk table. Moreover, the tidycmprsk::cuminc() has a user-friendly interface making it easy to learn and use.

See also

Visit the gallery for examples modifying the default figures


# \donttest{

cuminc(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ trt, trial) %>%
  ggcuminc(outcome = "death from cancer") +
  add_confidence_interval() +
  add_risktable() +
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 222 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 222 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 222 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?

cuminc(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ trt, trial) %>%
  ggcuminc(outcome = c("death from cancer", "death other causes")) +
  add_risktable() +
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 444 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 444 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 444 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?

# using the survival multi-state model
survfit2(Surv(ttdeath, death_cr) ~ trt, trial) %>%
  ggcuminc(outcome = "death from cancer") +
  add_confidence_interval() +
  add_risktable() +
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 114 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 114 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 114 rows.
#>  Did you mean to use `annotate()`?

# }