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The {gtsummary} package was written to be a companion to the {gt} package from RStudio. But not all output types are supported by the {gt} package. Therefore, we have made it possible to print {gtsummary} tables with various engines.

Output Types

Here’s a summary of the various Quarto and R Markdown output types and the print engines that support them.

Print Engine Function HTML Word PDF RTF
gt as_gt()
flextable as_flex_table()
huxtable as_hux_table()
kableExtra as_kable_extra()
kable as_kable()
tibble as_tibble()
Output fully supported
Missing indentation, footnotes, spanning headers
No formatted output
Output not supported
Under development, missing indentation

Any {gtsummary} table can be converted to one of the types in the table above. For example, the code below prints a {gtsummary} table as a {flextable} table, instead of the default {gt} table.

Example R Markdown Report

An example R markdown report using {gtsummary} has been included with the package. To open the example file, run the following command in the R console.

system.file(package = "gtsummary") %>%
  file.path("rmarkdown_example/gtsummary_rmarkdown_html.Rmd") %>%


To print {gtsummary} tables using LaTeX, utilize one of the supporting print engines.

# build gtsummary table
tbl <- tbl_summary(trial)

# using the {gt} package
as_gt(tbl) %>% gt::as_latex()

# using the {huxtable} package
as_hux_table(tbl) %>% huxtable::to_latex()

# using the {kableExtra} package
as_kable_extra(tbl, format = "latex")

# using the knitr::kable function
as_kable(tbl, format = "latex")


Use the {gt} package’s gt::gtsave() function to save images of {gtsummary} tables.

tbl_summary(trial) |>  # build gtsummary table
  as_gt() |>  # convert to gt table
  gt::gtsave( # save table as image
    filename = "my_table_image.png"


When printing {gt} or {gtsummary} tables in a loop, use print() and results = 'asis' in the R markdown chunk.

```{r loop_print, results = 'asis'}
for (i in 1) {
  tbl <- tbl_summary(trial)   # build gtsummary table
  print(tbl)                  # print table

If print(tbl) does not work for you, try either knitr::knit_print(tbl) or cat(knitr::knit_print(tbl)).

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