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[Maturing] Collection of tidiers that can be utilized in gtsummary. See details below.


  exponentiate = FALSE,
  conf.level = 0.95, = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE

  exponentiate = FALSE,
  conf.level = 0.95, = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE

  exponentiate = FALSE,
  conf.level = 0.95, = TRUE,
  vcov = NULL,
  vcov_args = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE

pool_and_tidy_mice(x, pool.args = NULL, ..., quiet = FALSE)

tidy_gam(x, = FALSE, exponentiate = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...)

tidy_wald_test(x, tidy_fun = NULL, ...)



Regression model object


(scalar logical)
Logical indicating whether to exponentiate the coefficient estimates. Default is FALSE.


(scalar real)
Confidence level for confidence interval/credible interval. Defaults to 0.95.

(scalar logical)
Logical indicating whether or not to include a confidence interval in the output. Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed to method;

  • pool_and_tidy_mice(): mice::tidy(x, ...)

  • tidy_standardize(): parameters::standardize_parameters(x, ...)

  • tidy_bootstrap(): parameters::bootstrap_parameters(x, ...)

  • tidy_robust(): parameters::model_parameters(x, ...)



vcov, vcov_args

Arguments passed to parameters::model_parameters(). At least one of these arguments must be specified.


(named list)
Named list of arguments passed to mice::pool() in pool_and_tidy_mice(). Default is NULL


Tidier function for the model. Default is to use broom::tidy(). If an error occurs, the tidying of the model is attempted with parameters::model_parameters(), if installed.

Regression Model Tidiers

These tidiers are passed to tbl_regression() and tbl_uvregression() to obtain modified results.

  • tidy_standardize() tidier to report standardized coefficients. The parameters package includes a wonderful function to estimate standardized coefficients. The tidier uses the output from parameters::standardize_parameters(), and merely takes the result and puts it in broom::tidy() format.

  • tidy_bootstrap() tidier to report bootstrapped coefficients. The parameters package includes a wonderful function to estimate bootstrapped coefficients. The tidier uses the output from parameters::bootstrap_parameters(test = "p"), and merely takes the result and puts it in broom::tidy() format.

  • tidy_robust() tidier to report robust standard errors, confidence intervals, and p-values. The parameters package includes a wonderful function to calculate robust standard errors, confidence intervals, and p-values The tidier uses the output from parameters::model_parameters(), and merely takes the result and puts it in broom::tidy() format. To use this function with tbl_regression(), pass a function with the arguments for tidy_robust() populated.

  • pool_and_tidy_mice() tidier to report models resulting from multiply imputed data using the mice package. Pass the mice model object before the model results have been pooled. See example.

Other Tidiers

  • tidy_wald_test() tidier to report Wald p-values, wrapping the aod::wald.test() function. Use this tidier with add_global_p(anova_fun = tidy_wald_test)


# Example 1 ----------------------------------
mod <- lm(age ~ marker + grade, trial)

tbl_stnd <- tbl_regression(mod, tidy_fun = tidy_standardize)
tbl <- tbl_regression(mod)

tidy_standardize_ex1 <-
    list(tbl_stnd, tbl),
    tab_spanner = c("**Standardized Model**", "**Original Model**")

# Example 2 ----------------------------------
# use "posthoc" method for coef calculation
tbl_regression(mod, tidy_fun = \(x, ...) tidy_standardize(x, method = "posthoc", ...))
Characteristic Beta 95% CI1
Marker Level (ng/mL) 0.00 -0.15, 0.15

    II 0.04 -0.32, 0.41
    III 0.17 -0.20, 0.53
1 CI = Confidence Interval
# Example 3 ---------------------------------- # Multiple Imputation using the mice package set.seed(1123) pool_and_tidy_mice_ex3 <- suppressWarnings(mice::mice(trial, m = 2)) |> with(lm(age ~ marker + grade)) |> tbl_regression() #> #> iter imp variable #> 1 1 age marker response #> 1 2 age marker response #> 2 1 age marker response #> 2 2 age marker response #> 3 1 age marker response #> 3 2 age marker response #> 4 1 age marker response #> 4 2 age marker response #> 5 1 age marker response #> 5 2 age marker response